
☕️ Creative Coffee

Welcome to Creative Coffee, a newsletter for creators who have gone through burnout and now want to build a more sustainable and future-proofed career. Subscribe and I'll see you in your inbox, cheers!

gray conveyor between glass frames at nighttime

☕️ Is your career future-proofed?

☕️ CREATIVE COFFEE by Lenka Silhanova Hi Reader, it’s still the good ol’ Creative Coffee ☕️, but in a new outfit that reflects the changes I’ll be making. In the past half a year, we talked a lot about overcoming burnout and returning to creating. Now I’m excited to switch gears to the future of creative work and explore ways to future-proofing our careers. Because it’s very much related and here is why… 🤔 ⏮️ Before the pandemic, the world was in the handcuffs of the hustle culture. Being...
macbook pro on white table

☕️ Creative Coffee: How to create a second brain in Notion

Hi! You’ve asked and you shall receive! 😍 Let’s talk about creating a second brain in Notion. It’s mostly helping me in three major areas—organizing my tasks, archiving my work, and managing my relationships. In this newsletter, I’ll explain how I’m thinking about it and I’ve also created a whiteboard with screenshots and notes explaining what you are looking at. You can find it here: Check out the whiteboard If you are unfamiliar with the whiteboard feature in Canva—you can use touchpad...

☕️ Creative Coffee: I've been keeping something from you...

Hey! I've been working on something for the past few weeks and I want to share it with you before it goes public. Introducing: Rising From Burnout Subscribe To The Series Email series for creators who want to make a comeback after burnout. It's 5 bite-sized actionable lessons that are all about implementation, not just information. You see, I was frustrated... 😩 I was looking for practical and actionable tips, that would help me to actually DO SOMETHING as I build the next chapter of my...

☕️ Creative Coffee: Gifts For Your Future Self

Hi Reader, 😊 today I have a tip for you that can improve your life and your creative pursuits: doing things as a gift for your future self. Here is the problem: We often procrastinate as a means of avoiding something that feels overwhelming to do. But the more we delay, the longer our to-do list, the bigger the stress. In other words, we let our future selves deal with our present problems. 🧐 But what if we flipped this on its head? What if we start doing things, little things, for ourselves...

☕️ Creative Coffee: What Can Creators Learn From Athletes?

Hi 😊 Creating content on social media can feel like running a race. Every. Single. Day. That sounds absolutely exhausting, doesn’t it? Yet creators, social media managers, and solopreneurs are somehow expected to make this work long-term. No wonder so many people are quitting or cutting back their social media use due to burnout. But what if there is another way to go about it? 🤔 Maybe we need to approach it like athletes do. Their work consists of racing, training, and recovering. 🏃🏻♀️Racing...

☕️ Creative Coffee: How to find the passion for creating after burnout

Hi! Getting back to creating video content after burnout can feel overwhelming. You know very well that you need to stay consistent and commit to it, which is exactly what gets your inner alarm going and why you put it off. What if there was a way to ease yourself back to creating without burning out again? I did a 12-week YouTube experiment where my only mission was to have fun and play. 😊 No grandiose goal. No big mission to achieve. No pressure to live up to any stats. Just pure old fun....
a woman sitting in front of a green screen

☕️ Creative Coffee: How to improve your on-camera presence?

Hey! Happy to see you again! Being natural on-camera is a skill, not a natural talent. Everyone can learn it with enough time and practice. So if you are putting off creating videos because you don’t like your performance, keep on reading. Today’s issue is based on a recent conversation I had with one of my lovely YouTube channel subscribers who liked my presence in videos. She asked for tips on how to be more natural on camera and as a former actress, I’m gonna tap into my training and share...

☕️ Creative Coffee: Does social media feel meaningless to you?

Hi! Last time I shared with you my tip on how to make content creation less overwhelming and now let’s talk about finding meaning again in this whole social media thing. 🤔 One of the reasons people experience burnout is because there is an inner conflict between what they are doing and what feels meaningful. We turned social media into a hungry monster that you need to constantly feed with content to beat the algorithm and to focus on grabbing people's attention, as all the self-proclaimed...

☕️ Creative Coffee: Overwhelmed by content creation? Try this approach!

Hi Reader, creating content can be overwhelming and a big cuppa if you are doing it solo. 🫠 Whether you went through burnout or not, you might find this approach refreshingly different. So how do you make content creation less overwhelming? 🤔 👉🏻 Don’t focus on growing all the platforms at the same time. 👈🏻 Let me explain: It’s a good idea to be present on multiple platforms and I would very much recommend that. But if you don’t want to lose your beans, you might want to try my favorite...
flat screen TV turn on inside room

☕️ Creative Coffee: Video editing made easy with these tools!

Hi Reader, have you ever tried making videos? And did the videos look way worse than the idea in your head? I know that feeling! 🫣 The learning curve for editing videos is steep, but luckily some tools make it easier. Today I’m gonna spill the beans on my current video-making toolkit that powers my YouTube channel. 🚀 Recently, I started creating vlogs about my journey to my first half-marathon 🏃🏻♀️ and I’m learning how to make videos, so I promise all these recommendations will be...

Welcome to Creative Coffee, a newsletter for creators who have gone through burnout and now want to build a more sustainable and future-proofed career. Subscribe and I'll see you in your inbox, cheers!